Example Description Status Message
Put AEC Reference 1 (R1) on the EF Bus.
Set Vortex to not place any AEC reference on
the EF Bus.
Query which AEC reference this Vortex is
placing on the EF Bus.
, where x is 0 or 1 depending on
which AEC reference (if any) is
currently being placed on EF Bus.
8.37. CGATE -- Query Camera Gating Status Information
This command is used to query the gating status of the microphone input. It is identical to the GATE
command except that any given microphone must be gated on for a specified hold time in order for it
to be considered "on" by the CGATE command. A typical use for this command is to control camera
pointing based on microphone activity. The added hold time prevents the camera from jumping too
quickly between positions when there are short amounts of signal present.
CGATET specifies the hold time used for the gating decisions in this command. The CGATEEN can
be used to have gating information sent automatically instead of having to poll this command.
Example Description Status Message
Query camera gating status of
microphone input 1.
, , S01CGATE1x where x is 0 or 1
depending on whether the input is gated off
or gated on, respectively.
Query camera gating status of all
microphone inputs.
S01CGATE*x , where x is either 0 or 1
depending on whether the corresponding
microphone input is gated off or gated on,
8.38. CGATEEN -- Enable Automatic Camera Gating
This command controls whether or not camera gating information messages are sent automatically. If
CGATEEN is enabled, then a CGATE*? query is performed each time the camera gating status of any
microphone changes.
For example, if the microphone is currently gated off and CGATEEN is enabled, then if the microphone
gates on, the following status message will be automatically generated:
See the
CGATE command for more information.
This command is a boolean command. See
Section 6.1 for more information on this type of command.