USER settings
Select Settings > USER
Weight: To change units press and hold LIGHT.
Height: To change units press and hold LIGHT.
Birthday: Adjust your date of birth.
Sex : Select MALE or FEMALE.
Activity: Select the alternative that best
describes the overall amount and intensity of
your physical activity during the past three
1. TOP: You participate in heavy physical
exercise at least 5 times a week, or you
exercise to improve performance for
competitive purposes.
2. HIGH: You participate at least 3 times a
week in heavy physical exercise, e.g. you
run 10-40 km or 6-25 miles per week or
spend 2-4 hours per week in comparable
physical activity.
3. MODERATE: You participate regularly in
recreational sports, e.g. you run 5-10 km or
3-6 miles per week or spend ½-2 hours per
week in comparable physical activity, or
your work requires modest physical activity.
4. LOW: You do not participate regularly in
programmed recreational sport or heavy
physical activity, e.g. you walk only for
pleasure, or exercise hard enough to cause
heavy breathing or perspiration only
Settings 33