Weekly File and Totals File
Select File > WEEKLY or TOTALS
In the Weekly and Totals Files, you can view exercise count, duration, and burned calories from the last
12 weeks or starting from the previous reset.
Weekly File
The last Sunday of the selected week
The height of a bar indicates the week's total exercises / exercise time / expended calories / time
spent in target zones
Cumulative count for the week's total exercises / exercise time / expended calories / time spent in
target zones*
* Press OK to view the exercise duration in different intensity zones.
Totals File
Total Exe.Count / Duration / Calories
The last reset date
Total cumulative exercise / duration / expended calories count, starting from the previous reset
To empty the Totals File, press DOWN until Reset Total Counters? is displayed. Press OK and select the
information you wish to erase. ARE YOU SURE? is displayed. Confirm deletion with YES.
26 After Exercise