
DSLAM Name mode:
Select the DSLAM name to be customer-defined or cluster name (Domain
name:NE name).
Click on this drop-down list and select OFF/ON to disable/enable DHCP relay
ID Select
Click on this drop-down list and select the Relay Agent Information that is
inserted to the forwarding packets. Options are: Circuit ID, Remote ID, or Both.
Circuit ID Type
Click on this drop-down list and select the type of Circuit ID. Options are:
DEFAULT, CUSTOMER. DEFAULT means our system-defined default type
(<DSLAM name>:<circuit number>:<vpi>:<vci>); CUSTOMER means the
customer-defined type.
Remote ID Type
Click on this drop-down list and select the format of Remote ID. Options are:
DEFAULT, Line ID (ADSL line identifier), Line Desc (description for the line),
Line Phone (phone number), CUSTOMER.
DEFAULT means our system default format, which is DSLAM
name:port_id/bridge_id. CUSTOMER means the customer-defined format;
customer can type in any word not exceeding 48 characters.
For Line ID, the format is port_id/bridge_id:Port Identifier.
For Line Desc, the format is port_id/bridge_id:Port Description.
For Line Phone, the format is port_id/bridge_id:Port Phone Number. The Port
Identifier, Description, and Phone Number are set in the ADSL line information
table (refer to section 4.4.3).
Once you have changed the setting of any one of the parameters (DHCP
Mode, ID Select, CKT Type, Remote Type, DLSAM Name, Service Name),
remember to click on Set to submit the modification.
DSL Line ID Configuration
Click on these drop-down lists to select the bridge ports to be displayed (these
bridge ports must have been created in previous web page).
Query Click on this button to display table.
Modify Click on this button to submit the modification of DSL line identify table.
Select Port
Bridge port index. Select the checkbox(s) corresponding to the circuit(s) of
which you want to modify the setting.
Circuit ID Type in the Circuit ID when CUSTOMER is selected for the CKT Type.
Remote ID Type in the Remote ID when CUSTOMER is selected for the Remote Type.
Click on this drop-down list and specify the circuit to be trusted (TRUE), or
untrusted (FALSE; the relay agent will discard the DHCP packets from an
unstrusted circuit).
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