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5.16 RS232 setup
There is one RS-232 port at DVR rear panel. In main menu, move “Active Frame” to
“RS232” icon and perssENTERkey, you enter into “RS232” setup menu
RS232 menu description
RS-232 parametersIncluding baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity, flow control, etc.
Work modeThe RS-232 can be used as “Console”, “PPP” or “Transparent Channel”.
ConsoleConnect with PC serial port. You can use HyperTerminal or NetTerm to control it.
PPPConnect Modem, using PSTN to transfer video image.
Transparent channelConnect serial devices. Remote PC can control these serial devices
through network.
PPP ModeOnly used when work mode is “PPP”. There are two options“Active”
and”Passive”. “Active” means DVR will diaup through PSTN. “Active” function is not
available. “Passive” means DVR will wait for dialup.
Callback modeOnly used when work mode is “PPP”. There are two options“By Dialer”
and “Preset Tel’. This function is not available.
Remote IPOnly used when work mode is “PPP”. This IP is defined for remote PC that will
connect DVR through PSTN.
Local IPOnly used when work mode is “PPP”. This IP is defined for DVR.
MaskOnly used when work mode is “PPP”. Remote IP and Local IP are in the same sub net.