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4.3 User name and password
NoteWhen DVR is delivered from factory, there is only one default administrator
named “admin”, and password is “12345”. The administrator’s name can not be
modified, while the password can be modified. The administrator can create 15
users and define their user rights.
Login dialog is following
UseÇ/Èkeys to select one user, perssÆkey to enter into “Password” edit box, input
corresponding password, pressENTERkey to exit edit box. The “Active Frame” will be
moved to “Confirm” button. PressENTERkey to enter into main menu. If there is beeper
alarm, it means the user name and password are not matched. After three error times, DVR
will enter into preview mdoe.
Modify password
For those users created by admin, they can modify their password as following
Step1Enter into main menu
PressMENUkey, in the login dialog, select your user name, input the correct password, you
can enter into the main menu.