Technical Specifications
Philips Medical Systems
Energy Using adult defibrillator pads: 150 J nominal into a 50 ohm load.
Using infant/child reduced-energy defibrillator pads: 50 J nominal into a 50 ohm
load. Sample pediatric energy doses:
age energy dose
newborn 14 J/kg
1 year 5 J/kg
2 − 3 years 4 J/kg
4 − 5 years 3 J/kg
6 − 8 years 2 J/kg
Doses indicated are based on CDC growth charts for the 50th percentile weights
for boys.*
* National Center for Health Statistics in collaboration with the National Center for
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. CDC growth charts:
weight-for-age percentiles, revised and corrected November 28, 2000. Atlanta,
GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention © 2000.
Charge Control Controlled by Patient Analysis System for automated operation. Can be
programmed for manual initiation using advanced mode of the M3860A.
Charge Time
from “Shock Advised”
< 10 seconds typical, including confirming analysis. Charge time increases near
end of battery service life.
Shock-to-Shock Cycle Time < 20 seconds typical, including analysis, in AED mode.
“Charge Complete”
Shock button flashes, audio tone sounds.
Disarm (AED mode) Once charged, the HeartStart FR2+ will disarm if:
• patient’s heart rhythm changes to non-shockable rhythm, OR
• a shock is not delivered within 30 seconds after the FR2+ is armed, OR
• the PAUSE button (if enabled) is pressed, OR
• the On/Off button is pressed to turn off the FR2+, OR
• the defibrillator pads are removed from the patient or the pads connector is
disconnected from the FR2+.
category nominal specifications