Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 48
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
[in] value - An integer header value. This parameter is only used when pHeaderStr
does not end with CRLF and pValue == NULL.
TRUE if the headers was sent; otherwise FALSE
B.3.15 comEndHeaders
void comEndHeaders( tConnect* pConn )
End the headers section of a response to the client. This function must be called in order
to end the headers section correctly. When this function has been called it is no longer
possible to add more headers to the response via the comHeader function.
[in] pConn - Control block for the connection.
B.3.16 comRead
tU16 comRead( tConnect* pConn, tU8* pBuf, tU16 len )
Copy data from a client socket into a user-provided buffer. This function may be useful
if the client has sent a POST request and attached a message body.
[in] pConn - Control block for the connection.
[out] pBuf - Output buffer (data will be copied here)
[in] len - Length of output buffer.
Number of read bytes.
B.3.17 httpGet
void httpGet( tConnect* pConn, tU8* pURI )
Handle a HTTP GET request. This function will translate the resource name, pointed to
by pURI into the name of a file, which will be sent to the client.
[in] pConn - Control block for the connection.
[in] pURI - The requested resource.
B.3.18 registerEGI
tBool registerEGI( tU8* pPath, tU8 (*pHandler)(tConnect*
pConn) )
Register an EGI function, which may be invoced by client requests. This function should
only be called after webInit has been called. Since all EGI functions are called with a
NULL pointer during initialization, they must be prepared to handle this case. EGI
functions should send the appropriate HTTP headers and may return either EGI_DONE,