Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 43
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
This function must be called when received data has been processed. If this function is
not called the received buffer will not be de-allocated.
[in] pTcb - control block for an established connection.
[in] pBuf - processed buffer.
B.2.16 udpSend
tS8 udpSend( tUdpTcb* pTcb, tIPAddr* pDestIP, tU16 destPort,
tU8* pData, tU16 len, void (*pBufSent)(void* pData) )
This function sends data through a connection.
A callback function (pBufSent) must be registered if the application needs to know when
the data has been sent from the stack, i.e. when the sent data can be deallocated.
[in] pTcb - bound control block for the connection.
[in] pDestIP - destination IP address.
[in] destPort - destination port number
[in] pData - data to send
[in] len - length of data
[in] pBufSent - function pointer to a buffer sent callback. Supplied with the callback
is a pointer to the sent data. This callback will be called when the data has been sent
from the stack. It will then be safe to de-allocate any allocated memory.
Parameters to (*pBufSent):
[in] pData - Pointer to data supplied with the send call.
One of the following error codes:
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
UDP_OK - no errors
UDP_OUT_OF_BUF - out of buffers
B.2.17 udpClose
void udpClose( tUdpTcb* pTcb )
Close down a connection. The control block is de-allocated in this function.
[in] pTcb - control block for the connection.