Philips Medical Systems
NSA pause timer
0.5, 1.0, 1.5,
2.0, 2.5, 3.0
2.0 A 2-minute NSA pause for
CPR automatically starts after
voice instruction is given when
no shock is advised (NSA).*
If the user presses the
i-button for optional CPR
coaching, the FRx provides
coaching for 5 cycles of CPR,
starting and ending with
compressions, when the CPR
Coaching parameters are also
set to their default values. The
number of CPR cycles varies
for other NSA pause timer
and CPR Coaching parameter
CPR prompt • CPR1: Instructs the user
to begin CPR.
• CPR2: Instructs the user
that it is safe to touch the
patient and to begin CPR.
• CPR3: Instructs the user
to begin CPR and to press
the i-button for CPR
• CPR4: Instructs the user
that it is safe to touch the
patient, to begin CPR, and
to press the i-button for
CPR Coaching.
Instructs the
user that it is
safe to touch
the patient, to
begin CPR,
and to press
the i-button
for CPR
The CPR reminder voice
instructions provided at the
beginning of a pause interval
assures the user that it is safe
to touch the patient, instructs
the user to begin CPR, and
invites the user to press the
i-button for guidance in the
basic steps of CPR.
NOTE: CPR Coaching is available
only with the CPR3 and CPR4
parameter settings default default description
* If the shock series is configured to 2 or more, and a shock has been delivered as part of a series, the length of the first NSA
pause interval within that shock series is determined by the protocol pause timer setting. Otherwise, the length of an NSA
pause is determined by the NSA pause timer setting.