Philips Medical Systems
Indications for Use
The FRx should be used to treat someone you think may be a victim
of SCA. A person in SCA:
• does not respond when shaken, and
• is not breathing normally.
If in doubt, apply the pads. Follow the voice instructions for each
step in using the defibrillator.
Training and practice
The FRx is intended to be used under the oversight of a physician as
part of a well-designed emergency response plan. Any emergency
response plan should provide for training of FRx users in
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillator use. Philips
recommends that you train on the device you will be using.
Several national and local organizations offer combined CPR/
defibrillator training. Contact your Philips representative, or visit us
on-line at www.medical.philips.com/heartstart, for information about
training programs in your area.
NOTE: Training accessories are available from Philips for
practicing use of the FRx. See Appendix A for information on
ordering accessories.
State and local requirements
Check with your state health department to see if there are any local
or state requirements about owning and using a defibrillator.