Top Panel LEDs
Figure 13 shows the location of the LEDs on the top panel; Table 3 lists
descriptions for each LED.
Figure 13. Model 2120 Top Panel LEDs
Table 2: Model 2120 Rear Panel LED deļ¬nitions
LED Description
Link Glows green to indicate that the Ethernet signal from the LAN is active.
Status Blinks yellow indicating the system status as follows:
2 Blinks: TCP Connection Established (Telnet and Raw-TCP operation only)
3 Blinks: TCP Connection Not Established
4 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 50 BPS
5 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 75 BPS
6 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 110 BPS
7 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 150 BPS
8 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 300 BPS
9 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 600 BPS
10 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 1200 BPS
11 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 2400 BPS
12 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 4800 BPS
13 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 9600 BPS
14 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 19200 BPS
15 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 38400 BPS
16 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 57600 BPS
17 Blinks: DB25 Data Rate Is 115200 BPS