
TS>configure eia232 ppp peernsaddruseena yes
TS>configure activate
activate is complete!
Because the Model 2120 stores its software in FLASH Memory, obtain-
ing the latest software release is both quick and easy. Using the inte-
grated FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client, new software releases can be
obtained over the LAN from your own FTP server or Patton’s FTP Server
via upgrades.patton.com.
Software Installation Procedures Using Your Own FTP Server
The following conditions must be met before loading new operational
software on your Model 2120:
You must have a valid IP address assigned to the Model 2120 and the
Model 2120 must be connected to the LAN
You must have an FTP Client (i.e. Windows Command Mode) on a
computer that can communicate over the LAN
You must load the most current version Model 2120 software in a valid
directory on your FTP Server
To load new software into the 2120, execute the following steps:
1. From the Windows “Run” prompt at your computer, type: command
and click OK.
2. At the DOS prompt, Telnet into the 2120 by typing
telnet <
the IP address of the 2120
and pressing <Enter>.
3. At the Terminal Server prompt (TS>), FTP into the FTP Server
where the 2120 software resides by typing
ftp <
the IP address of the FTP Server
and pressing <Enter>.
4. If prompted for Username, type: <
assigned Username
> and press