
#0 Focus buttons (FOCUS NEAR/FAR)
Adjust the lens focus of cameras equipped with the
specified lens.
Press the NEAR and FAR buttons simultaneously. The
lens focus is adjusted automatically, if the specified
auto focus camera is equipped.
#1 Zoom buttons (ZOOM WIDE/TELE)
Press these buttons to zoom the lenses equipped with
the specified cameras.
Press the WIDE and TELE buttons simultaneously dur-
ing the recorder mode. The recording is started.
#2 Call Preset button (CALL PRESET/PROGRAM
To call the selected camera's preset position, press this
button in combination with the numeric buttons. (The
specified cameras support this function.)
To program a preset position, press the corresponding
numeric button(s), and then press this button while
holding down the SHIFT button.
#3 Auto Pan button (AUTO PAN/CAM FUNC)
Activates the auto panning function of cameras
equipped with this feature.
To execute camera functions, press this button in com-
bination with the numeric buttons.(The specified cam-
eras support this function.)
#4 Clear button (CLEAR/LOG OUT)
Use this button to clear numeric input on the LED dis-
play, or exit from the ALARM HISTORY table (p. 101),
the VIDEO LOSS HISTORY table (p. 101), or the
SYSTEM STATUS table (p. 100).
To logout of the system, press this button while holding
down the SHIFT button.
#5 Camera (Set) button [CAM (SET)/WIPER]
CAM: To select a camera, press the corresponding
numeric button, followed by this button.
SET: To enter numeric input, such as operator ID and
password, press this button in combination with the
numeric buttons.
Also use this button to execute the currently high-
lighted selection and go into a submenu of SETUP
WIPER: To turn on the housing wiper of the camera,
press this button while holding down the SHIFT but-
#6 Numeric buttons
Press these buttons to enter numbers into the system
such as the camera and monitor number, sequence
number, preset position, etc.
In combination with the OSD button, parameter
selection in OSD (On-screen Display) operation of
the monitor status or research in a history table
become available.
In combination with the SHIFT button, AUX and
Defroster are available.
• In the recorder mode, electronic zooming and multi-
screen sequence, etc. are available when pressed in
combination with the SHIFT button.
#7 Monitor (Escape) button [MON (ESC)/MON LOCK]
MON: Press this button to select a monitor.
To select a monitor, press the corresponding
numeric buttons, followed by the MON (ESC) but-
ESC: Press this button to escape from the currently
highlighted selection and return to the previous
page of SETUP MENU.
MON LOCK: To prevent other operators from control-
ling the monitor, press this button while holding
down the SHIFT button. To release the lock, press
this button while holding down the SHIFT button
again. (Refer to p. 90.)
#8 Alarm Reset button (RESET/ALL RESET)
RESET: To reset an alarm activated in the currently
active monitor, press this RESET button.
ALL RESET: To cancel all activated alarms at a time,
press this button while holding down the SHIFT but-
#9 Alarm Acknowledge button (ACK/SUSPEND)
ACK: Acknowledges an activated alarm.
To select the alarm monitor, press the ALARM but-
To select the desired alarm action number, press
the numeric buttons, then press this ACK button.
"ACK" will appear on the monitor.
To reset the alarm, press the RESET button after
acknowledging the alarm. "ACK" will go out.
SUSPEND: To suspend an activated alarm, press this
button while holding down the SHIFT button. "ALM
SUSPENDED" will appear on the monitor. To cancel
the suspension, press this button while holding
down the SHIFT button again.
$0 Function 1 button (F1/CAM SETUP)
Press this button while holding down the SHIFT button
to open the camera's SETUP MENU on the active moni-
The function as the F1 button is reserved for future use.
$1 Tour Sequence button (TOUR SEQ)
Press this button, in combination with the numeric but-
tons, to run a tour sequence on the active monitor.
$2 Group Sequence button (GROUP SEQ)
Press this button to select a group sequence.
To select a group, press the corresponding numeric
buttons, followed by the GROUP SEQ button.
$3 Function 2 button (F2/INDEX)
Displays date and time entry form during the recorder