
Error Code List
Error code(ASCII) Error type Meaning
ER000 No error There is no error.
ER001 No associated command There is no associated command.
ER002 Parameter invalid The parameter's number, digit and range are invalid.
ER003 Receiver buffer's overflow The receiver buffer has reached overflow capacity.
Error code(ASCII) Error type Meaning
ER301 Command invalid Invalid operation mode caused the command error.
ER302 Parameter invalid The parameter's number, digit and range are valid, but the operation mode
is invalid.
ER303 Gateway reception overflow Reception buffer overflow has occurred on the other device during the
gateway communication.
ER305 Gateway timeout error Timeout error has occurred during the gateway communication.
ER309 Internal error The internal processing error has happened.
Example: The command is valid but it cannot be executed.
(1) The unit receives the zoom command while selecting a camera without electronic zoom function.
Transmission Command (ASCII) [STX] CMD:R01ZM [ETX]
Transmission Command (ASCII) [STX] ANS:R01ZM:ER301 [ETX]
Matrix switcher and external devices
Matrix switcher and external devices