Sending/receiving data via infrared
You can send and receive Contacts cards as business cards,
Calendar events, pictures, sound clips, and receive applications
supported by the phone.
Prepare for infrared connection as described on page 150.
To send data via infrared:
1. Open the item you wish to send 7 [5] (Options)
2. [192] to scroll to Send 7 [4]
3. [192] to scroll to Via infrared 7 [0]9[5] (Select)
4. The phone automatically begins infrared connection, indicated
by flashing
Whilst transferring, icon is steady. A confirmation message
displays when complete
If transfer does not begin within 60 seconds, the infrared connection
automatically stops.
To receive data via infrared:
z Main menu > Connectivity > Infrared
1. When the flashing icon is displayed, sender can begin
transfer of data. A tone sounds when transfer is complete. The
message is placed in the Inbox.
2. In standby mode, [5] (Show)
3. To save data to supporting application: While viewing the
message, [5] (Options) 7 [192] to scroll to Save 7
[0]9[5] (Select)
You can rename the file.