Editing/marking To-Do tasks
z Main menu > Tools > To-Do
1. [192] to scroll to the desired task
2. To edit: [0] 7 Edit information in fields 7 [6] (Done)
To mark/restore the task: [5] (Options) 7 [192] to scroll to
Mark as done or Mark as not done 7 [0]9[5] (Select)
A checkmark within a box means task is completed. A blank box means
task is unfinished.
Application manager
The Application manager allows you to install and manage both
Java, MIDlet (Mobile Information Device) applications and device
software installation files. You can also view and manage Authority
and Personal certificates (see “Certificate management” on
page 53).
Viewing details/certificate of application
z Main menu > Tools > App Mgr
1. [192] to scroll to the desired file 7 [5] (Options)
2. [192] to scroll to View details or View certificate 7 [0]9[5]
Subject Description of task or subject.
Due date Assign a due date.
Select High, Normal or Low.
In the list of tasks, ! icon means High priority task;
- icon means Low priority task.
Note: Files with extension .sis are device software installation files. Files
with extensions .jad or .jar are Java