FP Web-Server V2.11
3.6 Generate a New Configurator Project
3.6 Generate a New Configurator Project
After having started the Configurator, a Configurator project can be opened from the local hard
drive with [OPEN]. A Configurator project consists of the configuration plus the email texts plus
the HTML pages. Upon the initial start the "default_project" is automatically offered with
[OPEN]. With [OPEN] you can also load one of the examples (see "
Description of the HTML
Examples" on page
161) (example1 to 9). You can save it under a new name with [SAVE AS].
On the "Config" page you can adjust the following most important settings. At least the following
inputs have to be made:
• The IP configuration (see "
Determination of the IP Configuration" on page 36) has to be
entered accordingly.
• The RS232C parameter to the PLC may have to be adjusted (19200 8O1 is
• It is also recommended to enter an individual user name and a password of your own.
• The http server has to be activated for this initial test. (Please turn off email and PPP!):
For the initial test, no other parameters have to be altered. Save the changed project with
• To receive additional help and information on the various Configurator entries, please
move the cursor to the respective input field and press <F1>.
• With this version of the FP Web-Server, an HTML online help has been realized. If the
help is not displayed (e.g. with Windows95 or Windows NT with service pack 5 or
earlier), please install the HTML help work shop from the installation CD. Select "Read
me before installing" and click [Install] to set up HTMLhelp.exe. The second installation
for the update of the HTML work shop is not needed for the FP Web-Server