Additional Information
FP Web-Server V2.11
15.4 IP and TCP/ IP
Every Ethernet participant must have an individual IP address. This address may not be used a
second time in the same network. The IP address consists of 4 numbers (any 0 to 255). The first
numbers define the network address, the other numbers define the participant's address.
The Internet Address:
To be independent from the medium as well as the platform, one should not adjust the
addressing of a single bus system when specifying the communication system. The concept of
the Internet is based on one's own address, i.e. the Internet address. The Internet address is
comprised of 32-bits and is divided into a network part and a participant's part. While the
Ethernet address is displayed hexadecimally, for the most part, the decimal notation is normally
used for the Internet address. Every byte is represented by its decimal value. Valid address
specifications are numbers between 0 and 255.
0011 1001 / 0011 1101 / 111 0010 / 0001 1001
would be displayed as:
57. 61. 242. 25
Therefore, special address conventions have been agreed upon:
The following recipient's addresses are fixed:
• broadcast "to all"
• Network address = 0 "the own network"
For information of the TCP/ IP installation on a Windows computer refer to the online help under
TCP/ IP Setup for Configurator/Browser Operations via LAN.
FP Web-Server:
The IP address of the FP Web-Server can be fixed or it can be allocated dynamically by a
DHCP-Server. For more information refer to the online help under DHCP or Fixed IP Address.
The following two decisions can be made to set up the IP configuration of the FP Web-Server:
A) In a "self set-up" network (see page
168) (e.g. with only one hub) the fixed IP
addresses can be assigned by yourself.
In many cases a class C network is used. The network is identified by 3 numbers.