Klinkmann Automation Omron Ethernet DAServer 60
Omron Ethernet DAServer Ver 1.x User Manual Rev 1.4 17014m14
Server-Specific Error Codes
There are following server-specific error codes, shown in the table, that augment those
provided by the DAS Toolkit.
Error code Logger Message Log Flag
-10002 PLC timeout DASProtFail
-10003 No Eth. Socket created DASProtFail
-10004 PLC Fatal Error(*) DASProtFail
Note: Error code can be monitored in client application as Item’s $SYS$ErrorCode
value, correspondingly Logger Message can be monitored as Item’s $SYS$ErrorText
(*) Fatal Error is set, if one of the following occasions permanently take place:
- mismatch of command codes in DAServer request and PLC’s response messages,
- controller response contains response error code with either Relay Error Flag (bit
#7 in response’s MRC) set to ON, or PC Fatal Error Flag (bit #7 in response’s SRC) set to
FINS Response Codes
Additionally, there are FINS command response codes (Main response code MRC and
Subcode SRC), generated by OMRON controllers, useful for communication
troubleshooting. The following is example of error logging created by Omron Ethernet
FINSSocket1.CV500: FINS command 0101 failed (error code 1101). Parameter error:
an incorrect memory area or unavailable expansion mem. area has been used.
In above example FINS command response code (1101) is to be interpreted as following:
MRC is 11 hex, SRC – 01 hex.
The accompanying table shows response codes, the server-specific strings generated by
the DAServer to the logger, as well as recommended remedies. (Suggestions usually
deals with configuring of OMRON PLC and/or FA network, yet several errors could be
caused by Omron Ethernet DAServer configuration errors).
Main Code
Probable Cause Remedy Log Flag
00 00 Normal completion - -
00 01 Service was
Check transmission
01: Local
node error
01 Local node not part of
Add to network. DASProtFail
02 Token time-out, node Set the local node’s DASProtFail