Klinkmann Automation Omron Ethernet DAServer 9
Omron Ethernet DAServer Ver 1.x User Manual Rev 1.4 17014m14
Configuration software tool, appropriate (and recommended) for all OMRON controllers is
OMRON CX-Programmer Windows Programing Software (see “OMRON CX-Programmer
Users Manual”) .
Ethernet Unit Configuration Example for CS1 PLC
Connect the computer to the PLC CPU unit with Host Link Cable. Install the CX-
Programmer software.
Set IP Address table. Start CX-Programmer (from Start menu: Start/.../CX-
Programmer/CX-Programmer). Create new project (option "New" in CX-Programmer's
system menu). The "Change PLC" dialog box appears.
Enter PLC's name in the project (e.g. default name NewPLC1), PLC's model (e.g. CS1G)
and set the communication type used to access the configured PLC (SYSMAC WAY - for
serial communication).
Press "Work Online" pushbutton (or Ctrl+W) to establish communication to the PLC. (The
same can be done the following: in treeview (on CX-Programmer main window) select the
PLC (in example "NewPLC1(CS1G) Offline") and click the mouse right button. The PLC's
menu appears. Click "Work Online".)