B-138 PostScript printer fonts
ES3640e MFP EFI Printing Guide - 138
This appendix lists the built-in printer fonts included with your
ES3640e MFP
PostScript printer fonts
The following table lists the 136 built-in PostScript printer fonts on
the ES3640e MFP. In addition to these fonts, two Adobe Multiple
Master fonts are included and used for font substitution in PDF
Note:For Mac OS computers, install the corresponding screen
fonts from CD1. For instructions, see the
User Software Installation Guide.
Adobe Type 1 fonts
The ES3640e MFP includes 126 Adobe Type 1 fonts:
• The Mac OS column lists the name as it appears on the Font
menu on a Mac OS computer. For example, in most applications,
to use “Bodoni-Bold,” choose Bodoni Bold from the Font menu.
• The Windows menu name is the name as it appears on the Font
menu on a Windows computer. The style refers to the style that
must be selected in the application to access the particular
PostScript font. For example, to use “Bodoni-Bold,” choose
Bodoni from the Font menu and Bold from the Style menu.
PostScript name Mac OS menu name
Windows menu
name, style
AlbertusMT-Light Albertus MT Lt Albertus MT Lt
AlbertusMT Albertus MT Albertus MT
AlbertusMT-Italic Albertus MT It Albertus MT, Italic
AntiqueOlive-Roman Antique Olive Roman Antique Olive Roman
AntiqueOlive-Bold Antique Olive Bold Antique Olive Roman,
x B:
Font List