A-135 More about print options
ES3640e MFP EFI Printing Guide - 135
Enter all chapter starting page numbers, separated by
commas. Your entry in the Chapter start field applies to the entire
document regardless of the Page Ranges you specify in the Define
Mixed Media area.
5. For each page range, enter the page numbers and specify the
options for that range.
You can choose your specifications from the following options:
Page Range—Enter a page number or the range of page numbers.
Use a hyphen to define a range of sequential pages. For example,
1-3 prints the first three pages on a particular media type. The
range -14 prints the first 14 pages; 5- prints Page 5 through the
end of the document. If all the pages in multiple ranges use the
same media type, you can combine ranges with a comma; for
example, 4-5, 9-10.
You can insert a blank page by entering ^. For example, entering
^6 into the Page Range option inserts a blank page before page 6.
Note:You cannot combine a single page with page ranges.
Media Type—Select a type of media you want to use for the range.
Paper Source—Select a paper tray with a media you want to use
for the range. The media type must be assigned to a tray at the
ES3640e MFP Printer Control Panel.
Note:Document Default represents the setting you make outside
the Mixed Media dialog box. For example, if you set Paper Source
to Tray 1 under the Paper Source print option bar, Document
Default for Paper Source in the Mixed Media dialog box is equal to
Tray 1.
2 sided printing—Select Long Edge Binding or Short Edge Binding
if you want to print on both sides of the paper.
Media Weight—Select a weight that is appropriate for the media