3 – Using the DL
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 31
Table 7: Memory Consumption – Typical Case for RTK Survey (2 Second Rate)
L1-only L1 & L2
Single-point or Differential
Observations & Positions
Single-point or Differential
Observations & Positions
6 SV
253 471 464 682
9 SV
359 577 675 893
12 SV
464 682 886 1104
The following relationship, based on Table 7, yields an estimate of the data storage requirements for a typical RTK data-
recording session:
• Minimum file size (in kilobytes)
(kilobytes per hour) x (number of hours)
Example from Table 7:
You wish to record single-point observations, once every 2 seconds, for 8 hours, with 9 satellites visible, during L1/L2
operation. The file size will be no less than (675 kBytes/hour) x (8 hours) = 5400 kBytes = 5.4 MBytes. At this rate, a 20
MByte PC Card could hold approximately 30 hours of data.
Based on the values in Table 6, one can calculate how much data is generated in one hour if the RGED and PRTKB logs
are collected every 15 seconds. This is the typical data-logging rate for static survey (post-processing) applications. The
cells of Table 8 reflect the memory consumption, in kilobytes per hour, for scenarios of 6, 9, or 12 satellites in view.
Table 8: Memory Consumption – Typical Case for Static Survey (15 Second Rate)
L1-only L1 & L2
Single-point or Differential
Observations & Positions
Single-point or Differential
Observations & Positions
6 SV
34 63 62 91
9 SV
48 77 90 119
12 SV
62 91 118 147
The following relationship, based on Table 8, yields an estimate of the data storage requirements for a typical data-
recording session intended for post-processing:
• Minimum file size (in kilobytes)
(kilobytes per hour) x (number of hours)
Example from Table 8:
You wish to record differential observations and positions, once every 15 seconds, for 8 hours, with 9 satellites visible,
during L1/L2 operation. The file size will be no less than (119 kBytes/hour) x (8 hours) = 952 kBytes
≈ 0.9 MBytes. At
this rate, a 20 MByte PC Card could hold approximately 177 hours of data.
The data logging mechanism is designed to be robust and to endure power interruptions (and similar disruptive events)
with minimum loss of data. In these situations, less than 5 minutes of data (prior to the disruptive event) are lost. To the
extent possible, error messages (see the description on MSGA log on page 75) attempt to describe the problem.