1 – Overview
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 11
The NovAtel DL is a high-performance GPS receiver. In applications when continuous user interaction is required, such
as in GIS surveying, a simple handheld controller, that does not require its own data logging memory, can be used with
DL. The reduced handheld data logger or controller requirements simplify your system and reduce its total cost and
power consumption. Depending on which model you purchase, it is capable of receiving and tracking the L1 C/A-code,
L1 and L2 carrier phase, and L2 P-code (or encrypted Y-code) of up to 12 GPS satellites. The DL can be used for either
single-point or differential applications. Patented Narrow Correlator tracking technology circuits combined with a
powerful 32-bit microprocessor make possible multipath-resistant processing at high data update rates. Excellent
acquisition and re-acquisition times allow this receiver to operate in environments where very high dynamics and
frequent interruption of signals can be expected. It features a rugged, reliable design for use in adverse environments.
The DL is engineered to provide years of reliable operation.
Figure 1 shows front (left photo) and rear (right photo) views of the DL.
Figure 1: NovAtel DL – Front & Rear
# Description # Description
1 PC Card access door 8 COM1 port indicator
2 Power status indicator 9 I/O port
3 Door latch 10 COM2/PWR serial/power port
4 Position status indicator 11 COM1 serial port
5 Logging status indicator 12 Power port
6 Power switch 13 Antenna connector
7 COM2 port indicator
Once you connect the DL to an antenna and power supply, it begins operating as a fully functional GPS receiver (see
Chapter 2, Set Up, for more information on this topic). The DL is then ready for the most demanding applications – such
as survey, flight inspection, hydrographic survey and dredging, photogrammetry, agricultural applications, GIS and
differential reference station applications.
See CAUTION!, Page 9, for a list of items of which you should be aware as you set up and use the DL.