Rev. 1 - YML698 www.netcomm.com.au
HS800 User’s Guide Page 31
Item Default Description
Pre-Paid Enable The subscribers can access Internet with pre-
defined usage time.
Note: If you change billing mode (Pre-paid->Post-paid or Post-paid->Pre-paid), the system will
erase all accounts and disconnect all on-line users.
Figure 3-38 Message Box
Item Default Description
Enable Credit Card Service Disable Enables or disables the credit card service.
Before you enable the credit card service,
make sure that your credit service is
configured to work and the currency is
American dollars. You must be converting all
prices on your billing page into American
dollars (U.S. dollars). For details, see section
3-1-7 Credit Service. The credit card service
only supports American dollars.
Figure 3-39 Credit Service Setting Screen