Rev. 1 - YML698 www.netcomm.com.au
HS800 User’s Guide Page 17
3-1-4 Advanced
This function allows users to design a login page for the HS800 Wireless Gateway.
Figure 3-8 Advanced Login Page Setting Screen
Item Default Description
Welcome Slogan Welcome A Welcome message with a maximum length
of 80 characters can be added.
Page Background None The page background can be none or a
specified color. For the background color
format please view the color grid. The
allowed format is Hexadecimal (RGB values
of Red, Green, and Blue, where each
component has a hexadecimal value from 00
to FF. 000000 is black and FFFFFF is white.)
Article Empty The article is generally used for an
advertisement or a special announcement.
Maximum character length is 1024.
Article Text Color 000000 The article text color can be specified color.
For the specified text color format please view
the color grid. The allowed format is
Article Background Color None The article background can be a specified
color. For the background color format please
view the color grid. The allowed format is
Hexadecimal. (e.g. FFFFFF)
Information Empty Allows the administrator to include text
information such as address, telephone
number and fax information. The maximum
character length is 80.
Comments Empty Allows the administrator to include text
comments such like “Please Contact our
Customer Service Center on EXT 142”. The
maximum character length is 80.