Chapter 2 Setup and Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 2-11 NI 1450 Series Compact Vision System User Manual
The NI 1450 ships with a 4-position power connector that plugs directly
into the power input connector on the NI 1450. To wire power to the
4-position connector, complete the following steps:
1. Wire the voltage output of the 24 VDC ±10% power supply to the main
voltage input, labeled V, on the 4-position connector.
2. Wire the common (ground) output of the power supply to the common
input, labeled C, on the 4-position connector.
If you are using a separate power supply for the NI 1450 isolated outputs,
connect the voltage output on the power supply to the isolated power (Viso)
on the 4-position connector. Connect the common (ground) on the power
supply to the isolated common (Ciso) on the connector.
Note If you do not require a separate power supply for the NI 1450 isolated outputs,
you can daisy-chain the V to the Viso and the C to the Ciso on the connector.
For information about grounding the NI 1450 chassis to earth ground, refer
to the Earth Ground Connection section of Chapter 3, LEDs, DIP Switches,
and Connectors.
Connecting the NI 1450 to the Development
The development computer communicates with the NI 1450 over an
Ethernet connection. Use a standard Ethernet cable to connect from the
network port to the NI 1450. To connect the NI 1450 directly to the
development computer, use an Ethernet crossover cable.
To connect the NI 1450 to the development computer, refer to Figure 2-4
while completing the following steps:
1. Verify that the development computer is connected to the network and
is powered on.
2. Using a standard CAT 5 Ethernet cable, connect from the network port
to the Ethernet port on the NI 1450.
3. Using a standard CAT 5 Ethernet cable, connect from the network port
to the Ethernet port on the development computer.
Note If you are not connecting through a network, use an Ethernet crossover cable to
connect the NI 1450 directly to the development computer.