Chapter 1 NI 1450 Overview
© National Instruments Corporation 1-3 NI 1450 Series Compact Vision System User Manual
Available Camera Bandwidth
The IEEE 1394 bus provides a fixed amount of bandwidth that is shared
among the three IEEE 1394a ports on the NI 1450. These ports provide
direct connection to up to three DCAM-compliant IEEE 1394 cameras,
depending on the amount of bandwidth each camera requires. Higher frame
rates and larger image sizes require a higher data transfer rate and use more
Table 1-1 shows the maximum number of cameras the NI 1450 supports for
three common video formats. Use this table as a guide when determining
the combination of cameras to use in your application. The maximum
number of cameras listed in the table does not include processing time.
By triggering your cameras slower than the frame rates listed in the table,
you can operate more cameras simultaneously. If the camera combination
exceeds the amount of available bandwidth, the software returns an
Insufficient Resources error.
Table 1-1. Available Camera Bandwidth
Video Format Frames per Second
Maximum Number
of Cameras for
Simultaneous Operation
640 x 480,
8-bit/pixel mono
30 3
60 1
100 1
640 x 480 YUV
(4:2:2) 16-bit/pixel
15 3
30 1
1024 x 768
16-bit/pixel mono
7.5 2
15 1