
App - 9 App - 9
Item Description
Procedures to replace the GOT800 Series with the
GOT-A900 Series
The values of system information before and after
changes vary depending on the GOT, when you enter a
negative value via 16-bit signed BIN numeric value input.
Example: Value before numeric value input: -1
Value for numeric value input : -2
<System information of the GOT800 Series>
Value before change: 0X0000FFFF
Value after change : 0X0000FFFE
<System information of the GOT-A900 Series>
Value before change: 0XFFFFFFFF
Value after change : 0XFFFFFFFE
No problem will occur unless you enter a negative value
via 16-bit signed BIN numeric value input.
In addition, there is no problem if the GOT references
sequence programs using a negative value before
changing the system information as 16 bits.
When the GOT references sequence program using the
value before changing the system information as 32 bite,
extract the lower 16 bits and then reference.
Screen Saver
Disable Signal
(b0), Forced
Screen Saver
Enable Signal
In the GOT-A900 Series, the operation of b1 (forced
screen saver enable signal) takes precedence of the
operation of b0 (automatic screen saver disable signal).
This may cause some GOTs to work differently if both b0
and b1 are turned on.
<If both b0 and b1 are turned on>
GOT800 Series:
The display and backlight are both turned off by the
screen saver.
GOT-A900 Series:
The display and backlight both remain on.
You should change the sequence programs, etc. if the
forced screen saver enable signal (b1) and the automatic
screen saver disable signal (b0) turn on/off the backlight.
When diverting the monitor data of the DU/WIN
(1) Only screen data files of the GOT-F900 Series can be read.
(2) Some functions are equivalent to those on the dialog box of the DU/WIN.
For the details, refer to the GOT-F900 SERIES OPERATION MANUAL (GT Designer2