Connection of stand-alone option units
1.3 Connection of stand-alone option units
The inverter accepts a variety of stand-alone option units as required.
Incorrect connection will cause inverter damage or accident. Connect and operate the option unit carefully in
accordance with the corresponding option unit manual.
1.3.1 Connection of the dedicated external brake resistor (FR-ABR)
The built-in brake resistor is connected across terminals P and PR. Fit the external dedicated brake resistor (FR-
ABR) when the built-in brake resistor does not have enough thermal capability for high-duty operation. At this time,
remove the jumper from across terminals PR-PX and connect the dedicated brake resistor (FR-ABR) across
terminals P-PR.
Set "1" in Pr. 30 "regenerative function selection".
Set Pr.70 "special regenerative brake duty" as follows: (Refer to page 92.)
7.5K or less. . . . . . .10%
11K or more . . . . . .6%
z Model ..... FR-V520-1.5K, 2.2K, FR-V540-1.5K, 2.2K
1)Remove the screws in terminals PR and PX and remove the jumper.
2)Connect the brake resistor across terminals P and PR. (The jumper should remain disconnected.)
z Model ..... FR-V520-3.7K to 7.5K, FR-V540-3.7K, 5.5K
1)Remove the screws in terminals PR and PX and remove the jumper.
2)Connect the brake resistor across terminals P and PR. (The jumper should remain disconnected.)
1. The brake resistor connected should only be the dedicated brake resistor.
2. The jumper across terminals PR-PX (5.5K or less) must be disconnected before connecting the
dedicated brake resistor. A failure to do so may damage the inverter.
3. Do not remove a jumper across terminal P and P1 except when connecting a DC reactor.
1) Removal of jumper 2) Connection of brake resistor
1) Removal of jumper 2) Connection of brake resistor
The FR-V520-7.5K does not have the PX terminal. Since it is a free terminal, keep it open.
Terminal PR
Terminal PX
Terminal PR
Terminal P
Terminal PX
Terminal PR
Terminal P
Terminal PX
Terminal PR