OM-223 037 Page 29
6-2. Description Of Front Panel Controls (See Section 6-1)
Engine Controls
. The engine will not run if engine access
door is open or Emergency Stop switch
has been pressed.
1 Preheat Switch
Use switch to energize starting aid for cold
weather starting (see starting instructions fol-
2 Engine Control Switch
Use switch to start engine, select engine
speed (if unit has auto idle option), and stop
In Run position, engine runs at weld/power
speed. In Auto position (optional), engine
runs at idle speed at no load and weld speed
with load applied.
3 Emergency Stop Switch
Press switch to stop engine in an emergency
situation. Pull out switch to reset the switch
and allow engine to be restarted.
4 Engine Stop Lever
Use lever to stop engine if Engine Control
switch or Emergency Stop switch does not
. The Engine Stop lever shuts off the fuel
supply. However, the Engine Stop lever
will not stop the engine if the engine can
draw fuel-rich air from the surrounding
atmosphere (oil refineries).
5 Engine Speed Switch
Use switch to select engine run speed. Place
switch in the 50 Hz/20-300 A (1500 rpm) posi-
tion for auxiliary power loads. Place switch in
the 60 Hz/20-410 A (1800 rpm) position for
maximum weld output. In extreme cold, al-
ways start engine with switch in the 60
Hz/20-410 A position.
To Start:
NOTICE − Do not use ether.
. If engine does not start, let engine come
to a complete stop before attempting re-
Above 325 F (05 C): turn Engine Control
switch to Start. Release Engine Control
switch when engine starts.
Below 325 F (05 C): turn engine control switch
to Run position. Push Preheat switch up for
60 seconds. Turn Engine Control switch to
Start. Release Engine Control switch and
Preheat switch when engine starts.
. In extreme cold, start engine with Engine
Speed switch in 60 Hz/20-410 A (1800
rpm) position. Run engine at 60 Hz (1800
rpm) for ten minutes before changing en-
gine speed.
To Stop: turn Engine Control switch to Off
position. In an emergency situation, press
Emergency Stop switch.
Engine Gauges, Meters, And Lights
6 Fuel Gauge/Hourmeter
Use gauge to check fuel level or total engine
operating hours.
To check fuel level or engine hours when en-
gine is not running, turn Engine Control switch
to Run or Auto (optional) position.
7 Engine Indicator Light
Light goes on and engine stops if engine tem-
perature exceeds 230° F (110° C) or engine
oil pressure is below 10 psi (69 kPa).
. Normal engine temperature is 180 - 2035
F (82 - 955 C). Normal oil pressure is 30
- 60 psi (207 - 414 kPa).
NOTICE − Do not run engine until trouble is
Weld Controls
8 Remote Control Receptacle
Use receptacle to connect remote controls
and wire feeders.
When a remote control is connected to the
Remote receptacle, the Auto Sense Remote
feature automatically switches voltage/am-
perage control to the remote control (see Sec-
tion 6-4).
If no remote control is connected to the Re-
mote receptacle, the front panel Voltage/Am-
perage control adjusts voltage and amper-
. If a remote device connected to Remote
Receptacle RC14 is faulty or is discon-
nected, the meters display Help 25 (see
Section 8-10). Clear fault by stopping
and restarting the unit or by turning Pro-
cess/Contactor switch to another posi-
9 Process/Contactor Switch
See Section 6-3 for Process/Contactor
switch information.
10 Voltage/Amperage Control
With Process/Contactor switch in any Stick or
TIG setting, use control to adjust amperage.
With Process/Contactor switch in any Wire
(MIG) position, use control to adjust voltage.
With Process/Contactor switch in any Stick or
TIG mode and a remote control connected to
the remote control receptacle, high output lim-
it is set by the front panel Voltage/Amperage
control. The remot control adjusts output be-
tween minimum and the high limit set by the
front panel control.
With Process/Contactor switch in any MIG
position and a remote control connected to
the remote control receptacle, the front panel
Voltage/Amperage control has no effect on
weld output.
Weld Meters (Optional)
. Weld meters also work in combination to
display troubleshooting help codes (see
Section 8-10).
11 DC Voltmeter
Voltmeter displays preset voltage (MIG weld-
ing) with contactor off, and actual output volt-
age with the contactor on. Voltmeter displays
voltage at the weld output terminals, but not
necessarily the welding arc due to resistance
of cable and connections.
To set voltage, turn contactor off and turn Pro-
cess/Contactor switch to Wire position. Turn
V/A control until desired voltage is displayed
on Voltmeter. When welding is finished, volt-
meter displays weld voltage and then defaults
to preset voltage.
12 DC Ammeter
Ammeter displays preset amperage (Stick
and TIG only) when not welding, and actual
output amperage when welding.
To set amperage, turn Process/Contactor
switch to Stick or TIG position. Turn V/A con-
trol until desired amperage is displayed on
Ammeter. When welding is finished, ammeter
displays weld amperage and then defaults to
preset amperage.