Regulatory Notices and Safety Information 49
E-EQ-MX3OGWW-F-ARC MX3 User’s Guide
LXE Transceiver LXE 6726 Declaration of Conformity
according to Directives:
1999/5/EC Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment
and the mutual recognition of their conformity
CE Marking Directive
Type of Equipment: Direct Sequence 2.4 GHz Wireless LAN Card
Brand Name or Trademark: LXE
Type Designation: LXE 6726
Manufacturer: LXE Inc.
Address: 125 Technology Parkway
Norcross, GA 30092-2993 USA
Year of Manufacturer: 2001
The following harmonized European Standards, technical specifications, or other normative
documents have been applied:
EN 301 489-1: 07-2000
EN 301 489-17 07-2000
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio
equipment and services; Part 17: Specific conditions for
Wideband data and HIPERLAN equipment
EN 300 328-1 and -2: 2000-7 Radio Equipment and Systems (RES);
Wideband transmission systems;
Technical characteristics and test conditions for data
transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band
and using spread spectrum modulation techniques
EN 60950-2: 1992 + A1..A4 Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical
business equipment
We, LXE Inc., declare that the equipment specified above complies with all Essential Health and
Safety Requirements of the above Directives and Standards, as amended.
Place LXE Inc., Norcross GA USA
Date of issue 24 June 2004
C. Binnom Jr.
RF Approvals Engineer
LXE Inc. 125 Technology Parkway Norcross, GA 30092-2993 USA
ph. 770/447-4224 fax 770/447-6928