8 IR Port
MX3 User’s Guide E-EQ-MX3OGWW-F-ARC
COM Port Switching
The default COM 2 port is always the IR port on the back of the MX3, regardless of the endcap
installed on the MX3.
On the Standard Range Scanner / Serial Port endcap COM 1 is the Integrated Scanner port.
On the Dual Serial Port endcap the COM1 port is the serial port on the left side of the endcap
when the display is facing you.
An API can be run to switch power to the DB9 Serial port. If a tethered scanner is connected to
the Serial Port without switching the power to the COM2 port (serial port), the scanner will not
IR Port
Figure 9 IR Port
The InfraRed (IR) port provides a means of transferring information to a device with a similar
port and the proper software. The IR port can be used to communicate with printers or a host
computer with the use of an adapter.
When sending data through the IR port to another MX3’s IR port, make sure both units are in
close proximity to each other. The IR operating envelope has a distance range of 2 cm (.79 inches)
to 1 meter (3.2 feet) with a viewing angle of 30 degrees.
The IR Port is specified as COM 2 and is a bi-directional half-duplex infrared port. It supports the
Slow IrDA (Infrared Data Access) PHY Layer standard that allows communication speeds up to
19.2k baud.