Endcap Combinations
Endcap Combinations
Left Port (2) Right Port (3) See (4)
Serial COM3 Serial COM1 Audio Jack
Serial COM3 USB Client Audio Jack
USB Host Serial COM1 Audio Jack
USB Host USB Client Audio Jack
Scanner Serial COM1 Audio Jack
Scanner USB Client Audio Jack
Serial COM3 Serial COM1 Antenna
Serial COM3 USB Client Antenna
USB Host Serial COM1 Antenna
USB Host USB Client Antenna
Barcode scanners, tethered to the serial port on a cradle, send ASCII data to the MX3X in the cradle through the COM2 Port.
COM Port Switching
The COM 2 port is always the IR port on the back of the computer, regardless of the type of endcap installed.
On the Standard Range Scanner / Serial Port endcap COM 3 is the Integrated Scanner port.
On the Dual Serial Port endcap the COM1 port is the serial port on the right side of the endcap when the display is facing you.
The process used to enable the MX3X COM1 serial port for use with a tethered scanner is as follows:
Note: Use the scanner control panel to setup using both the integrated laser scanner and a tethered scanner.
To switch active scanner Com ports select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | Main tab.
Note: If there is an integrated laser scanner, COM3 is greyed out – if there is no integrated laser scanner, Internal is
greyed out.
To assign baud rate, parity, stop bits and data bits to Com 1, Com 2 or Com3, select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner |
COMn tab.
Tethered Scanners
E-EQ-MX3XRG-W-ARC [ 9 ] MX3X Reference Guide