Single Application Configuration 241
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
Single Application Configuration
The default Administrator Hotkey sequence is Shift+Ctrl+A.
Administrator mode allows access to all features on the device. When the hotkey is pressed to
switch into Administrator mode, a password prompt is displayed (if a password has been
configured). A password must be entered within 30 seconds (and within three tries) or the
password prompt is removed and the device remains in end-user mode with the focus returned to
the locked application. Without entry of a valid password, the switch into Administrator mode will
not occur.
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administration icon
The password prompt is displayed if a password has been configured. When the valid password is
entered, the Administration Control panel is displayed. When a valid password is not entered
within 30 seconds, the user is returned to the System Control Panel.
If a password has not been configured, the Administrator Control panel is displayed.
Control Panel
Application Startup Delay:
Administrator Control
Command Line:
Figure 6-7 Administrator Control Panel
Note: If your Administrator Control Panel does not look like the figure shown above, you may
have the Multi-Application version.
Use the Control tab options to select the application to launch when the device boots up.
Move the cursor to the Application text box and either type the application path or tap the Browse
button (the … button). The standard Windows Browse dialog is displayed. After selecting the
application from the Browse dialog, tap OK.
Enter the command line parameters for the application in the Command Line text box.
Enter the number of seconds the selected Application must wait before starting to run upon reboot.
If no application is specified when the Administrator Control panel is closed, the device reboots
into Administrator mode. If a password has been set, but the application has not been specified,
the user will be prompted for the password before entering administration mode. The password
prompt remains on the display until a valid password is entered.