Advanced 165
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
Advanced Processing
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Scanner | Barcode tab
Note that the Use Advanced Barcode Processing checkbox must be enabled before Advanced
Processing can occur.
See Also: The “Integrated Scanner Programming Guide”, section titled “Data Options” for full
details on AIM Code IDs and Symbol Code IDs.
Figure 4-20 Barcode – Advanced Processing
No Code ID
Default. All symbology IDs are transmitted. This means that by default,
all good scan barcodes are sent to the application just as they are
received from the scanner, regardless of any possible symbology ID
attached. The Strip Code ID radio button is unavailable when No Code
ID is enabled.
Enabling the Strip Code ID checkbox ensures the 3-character AIM Code
ID symbology is stripped off by the WEDGE before the barcode is
made available to the application. Disable Data inludes Symbol Code ID
if the AIM Code ID parameter is enabled. When Strip Code ID is
disabled (unchecked), the Code ID is included in the barcode data being
Symbol Code ID
Enabling Strip Code ID ensures the 1-character Symbol Code ID
symbology is stripped off by the WEDGE before the barcode is made
available to the application. Disable Data includes AIM Code ID if the
Symbol Code ID parameter is enabled. When Strip Code ID is disabled
(unchecked), the Code ID is included in the barcode data being