122 API Calls
MX3-RFID Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RFIDRG-A
API Calls
See Also: LXE CE API Programming Guide E-SW-WINAPIPG
The LXE CE API Programming Guide documents only the LXE-specific API calls for the mobile
device. It is intended as an addition to the standard Microsoft Windows CE API documentation.
Details of many of the calls in the LXE guide may be found in Microsoft’s documentation.
The APIs documented in the programming guide are included in the file LXEAPI.ZIP, which is in
the standard Windows CE image on the mobile device.
For ease of software development, the files LXEAPI.H and LXEAPI.LIB are available on the
accessories CD, which are the C/C++ include files and the link library for the DLL, respectively.
Note that this DLL is installed in mobile device images with a version number of 1.2 or higher (as
displayed on the screen during bootup).
A full SDK is now included for Microsoft Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 (which is available free on
the Microsoft website).
See Also: “RFID Driver APIs”.
RFID Driver APIs
For the development of applications to execute locally on the MX3-RFID device, API support for
the functions described supplement the current MX3X APIs documented in the “LXE CE API
Programming Guide” (available on the LXE Manuals CD or the LXE ServicePass website).
For ease of software development, the library file, RFIDAPI.LIB, and two header files,
RFIDAPI.H and LXERFID.H, are available on the MX3X SDK CD (see “Accessories”). Contact
your LXE representative for the MX3X SDK Kit availability.
The following operations take place when a user presses a scan button mapped to an RFID Read
1. Scanner Wedge catches a Keyboard Event and determines that the key pressed is mapped to
an “RFID Read” operation.
2. RFID Driver executes the READ command. Based on the “Tag Types to Read” setting (set
through the LXE RFID Configuration Utility), the command calls either of the following:
TAG_0_READ, TAG_1_READ, or both TAG_0_READ and TAG_1_READ.
3. The Reader receives an API call, performs an appropriate read, and returns tag data to the
RFID Driver.
4. Based on the “Reader Output” settings (set through the LXE RFID Configuration Utility), the
RFID Driver formats the tag data with a preamble, postamble, and separators.
5. RFID Driver populates the Keyboard Buffer with the formatted data output.
Formatted data is displayed in the foreground application window.