DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-437DIG-LINE (Digital Line)
Digital Line NPE Crosstalk Test (#9)
One or more Network Processing Elements (NPEs) reside on each circuit pack
with a TDM Bus interface. The NPE controls port connectivity and gain, and
provides conferencing functions on a per-port basis. The NPE Crosstalk Test
verifies that this port’s NPE channel talks on the selected time slot and never
crosses over to time slots reserved for other connections. If the NPE is not
working correctly, one-way and noisy connections may be observed. This test is
part of a port’s Long Test Sequence and takes about 20 to 30 seconds to
complete. Crosstalk testing is performed on both the primary information channel
(voice) and the secondary information channel (data) associated with each
digital station port. If this test fails on either channel, the station and the DTDM
are taken out-of-service.
1015 ABORT The system will not allow this test to be run because the station is/has not
been busied out. Busy out the station with the busyout station command.
16 FAIL The secondary channel (data Information Channel 2 or I2 is not operating
properly. User impact may range from noticing nothing to not being able to
use this terminal. Check the results of Voice and Control Channel Local
Loop Test (#13). If that test fails, suspect the Digital Line circuit pack. If
that test passes then replace the terminal. If both test fail, and component
replacement does not change the results, then:
1. Run circuit pack tests to check the tone generator circuit pack and the
Tone Detector circuit pack using the test board PCSSpp command.
2. Resolve any problems that are detected on the Tone Generator circuit
pack or Tone Detector circuit pack.
3. If the Tone Generator and Tone Detector circuit pack are functioning
properly, and the tests still fail, escalate the problem.
PASS Voice and Control Channel Local Loop test passed. All channels are
transmitting properly.
1. To be sure that this is not an intermittent problem, repeat this test up to
a maximum of ten times to make sure it continues to pass.
2. If complaints persist (noisy connections for voice. corrupted data
transfer for data), examine the station, connections, and wiring.
Table 10-142. TEST #1201 Digital Terminal Remote Loop Around Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page