Proof Sheet Error
The error may include any of the following causes listed below.
Cause Solution
The printer could not detect a proof sheet. Make sure that:
• The proof sheet is filled completely.
• The proof sheet is loaded facedown in the lower right
corner of the scanner glass.
• The paper is not skewed.
No images have been selected for printing. Make sure that images are selected for printing.
No photo size or paper size selection has been made. Make sure that a paper size or photo size is selected.
More than one photo size or paper size was chosen. Select only one photo size or paper size.
There is no selection indicated anywhere on the proof
Make sure that the proof sheet is filled completely.
A photo or photos have been removed from the
memory device by the computer.
Select a different photo.
More than one photo enhancement was chosen. Select only one photo-enhancement option.
Print File Error
To use the Print Files function, your printer must be connected to a computer, and both the printer and computer
must be on.
The error may include any of the following causes listed below.
Cause Solution
The printer failed to find an application or software on
the computer to print the file or files stored on the
memory device.
Make sure you have software installed on your computer
that can open files with the desired file extensions.
The printer failed to retrieve the file or files stored on
the memory device.
Make sure that:
• The memory device has not been removed.
• The memory card or flash drive is not damaged or
No valid photo image files detected
No supported images have been found on the memory card or flash drive.
The printer supports Baseline JPEG files (including Exif) ending with the extensions JPEG, JPE, and JPG.
The following TIFF formats as read from a camera card or USB flash drive are supported:
• RGB uncompressed data: Baseline TIFF Rev. 6.0 RGB Full Color Images
• YCbCr uncompressed data: TIFF Rev. 6.0 Extensions YCbCr Images
Only TIFF files created directly from digital cameras and not modified by computer software are supported.
Paper or Photo Size error
One or more photos selected for printing have a size that does not match the size of the paper loaded in the printer.