3 From the Maintenance tab, check the ink levels of the cartridges.
If an exclamation point (!) appears on a cartridge, the ink level is low. Install a new cartridge. For more information,
see “Installing print cartridges” on page 95.
For cartridge ordering information, see “Ordering print cartridges” on page 101.
Wireless troubleshooting
Check your security keys
A security key is like a password. All devices on the same network share the same security key.
Note: Make sure you copy down the security key exactly, including any capital letters, and store it in a safe place
for future reference.
The security key must follow the following criteria.
WEP key
• Exactly 10 or 26 hexadecimal characters. Hexadecimal characters are A–F and 0–9.
• Exactly 5 or 13 ASCII characters. ASCII characters are letters, numbers, and symbols found on a keyboard.
• Up to 64 hexadecimal characters. Hexadecimal characters are A–F and 0–9.
• Between 8 and 64 ASCII characters. ASCII characters are letters, numbers, and symbols found on a keyboard.
How do I find out what type of security my network is using?
You must know the security key and security mode in order to properly set up the printer for use on the wireless
network. To obtain this information, see the documentation that came with your wireless router, see the Web page
associated with the router, or consult the person who set up your wireless network.
Printer is configured correctly, but cannot be found on the network
Make sure:
• The printer has power and the light is on.
• The printer is within range of the wireless network.