Select from the following content types:
• Graphics—The original document is mostly business‑type graphics, such as pie charts, bar charts, and animations.
• Photo—The original document is mostly a photo or an image.
• Text—The content of the original document is mostly text or line art.
• Text/Photo—The original document is a mixture of text, graphics, and photos.
Content Source
This option lets you set the original document source.
Select from the following content sources:
• Color Laser—The original document was printed using a color laser printer.
• Black/White Laser—The original document was printed using a mono laser printer.
• Inkjet—The original document was printed using an inkjet printer.
• Photo/Film—The original document is a photo from a film.
• Magazine—The original document is from a magazine.
• Newspaper—The original document is from a newspaper.
• Press—The original document was printed using a printing press.
• Other—The original document was printed using an alternate or unknown printer.
Advanced Duplex
This option lets you specify the document orientation, whether documents are one-sided or two-sided, and how
documents are bound.
This option lets you create a watermark (or message) that overlays the content of your copy. You can choose from
Confidential, Copy, Draft, Urgent, and Custom. You can type a custom message in the ”Enter the Custom Text Overlay
and press OK” field. The message will appear, faintly, in large print across each page.
Separator Sheets
This option lets you place a blank sheet of paper between copies, prints, pages, print jobs or copy jobs. The separator
sheets can be drawn from a tray that contains a type or color of paper that is different from the paper your copies are
printed on.
Paper Saver
This option lets you print two or more pages of an original document on the same page. Paper Saver is also called N-
up printing where N stands for the number of pages. For example, 2-up would print two pages of your document on a
single page, and 4-up would print four pages of your document on a single page.
Copying 65