Use To
Content Source
Black/White Laser
Color Laser
Specify how the original document was produced.
Note: Black/White Laser is the factory default setting.
Sides (Duplex)
1 sided to 1 sided
1 sided to 2 sided
2 sided to 1 sided
2 sided to 2 sided
Specify whether an original document is two‑sided or one‑sided, and then specify
whether the copy should be two‑sided or one‑sided.
• The ADF scans only one side of the sheet.
• 1 sided to 1 sided—The original document has print on one side and the copy
will also have print on one side.
• 1 sided to 2 sided—The original document has print on one side, while the
copy will have print on both sides.
• 2 sided to 1 sided—The original document has print on both sides, while the
copy will have print on just one side.
• 2 sided to 2 sided—The original document has print on both sides, and the
copy will also have print on both sides.
Paper Saver
2‑up Portrait
2‑up Landscape
4‑up Portrait
4‑up Landscape
Copy two or four sheets of a document on one page.
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
Print Page Borders
Specify whether a border is printed.
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
(1,1,1) (2,2,2)
(1,2,3) (1,2,3)
Keep the pages of a print job stacked in sequence when printing multiple copies.
Note: (1,2,3) (1,2,3) is the factory default setting.
Understanding the printer menus 116