09 ACCEL/DECEL #2: Selects the acceleration and deceleration time programmed into ACCEL/
DECEL #2 (Parameter 42).
NOTE: If the optional remote keypad is used, functions 02, 05, and 07 are disabled. Therefore, if
this terminal is not being used for any of the other functions, it should be set to NONE (01).
01 TERMINAL STRIP ONLY: The drive will only respond to START and direction commands
from the terminal strip.
02 REMOTE KEYPAD ONLY: The drive will only respond to START and direction commands
from the optional remote keypad.
NOTE: When the optional remote keypad is used, TB-5 and TB-14 are wired to the remote keypad.
Therefore, a speed pot cannot be used for speed control, and TB-14 cannot be used for status indication.
Also, some of the functions on TB-13A, 13B, and 13C are disabled, and the Dynamic Braking option
cannot be used.
01 FORWARD ONLY: The drive will only allow rotation in the forward direction. However,
JOG REVERSE (see Parameter 11) will still operate even if FORWARD ONLY is selected.
02 FORWARD AND REVERSE: The drive will allow rotation in both directions.
This parameter is used as a time multiplier for Parameters 19, 20, 21, and 42. The values entered into
those parameters are multiplied by the selected factor in this parameter.
01 x0.1 (Multiplies time by a factor of 0.1)
02 x1.0 (Multiplies time by a factor of 1.0)
03 x10.0 (Multiplies time by a factor of 10.0)
Example: If an acceleration time of 5.5 seconds is desired, set this parameter to 01 (x0.1 factor), and
set ACCELERATION TIME (Parameter 19) to 55.
NOTE: When a new time multiplier is selected, the displays for Parameters 19, 20, 21, and/or 42
will change to maintain the same time value. For example, if the multiplier is x1.0, and
ACCELERATION TIME is set to 30, the time value is 30 seconds. If the multiplier is then changed
to x10.0, the ACCELERATION TIME display will change to 3 to maintain the time value of 30
seconds. If the display required to maintain the time value is out of the possible range (less than 1,
higher than 99, or a decimal), the display will blink to indicate that it is not accurate.