TV measurement
Frequency Display and Frequency Entry
You first have to enter the required picture carrier frequency to be able to
measure the level of a TV reception signal.
Frequency entry is possible from 48 MHz to 858 MHz in 50 kHz steps.
TV Frequency Entry Mode
[SAT/TV] Changing over to TV reception
[CH-FRQ] Change-over channel/frequency
[0] bis [9] Entering frequency
[ENTER] Confirming entry
[+] und [-] Varying frequency stepwise
Entering frequency 175.25 MHz:
Press [2ndF] [CH/FRQ] .....................(frequency menu call up)
Then press [1] [7] [5] [./S] [2] [5] [ENTER] ...........(frequency entry)
LC display:
• Frequency: 175.25 MHz
• Level: 65.0 dBµV
• Mode: TV analogue
If you had called up the frequency menu before, you now only need to
enter the figures in order to enter a frequency.
The last frequency entry will be retained even after you have switched off
the MSK 25, provided that the entry was carried out via numeric
character input, ending with ‚MHz‘
CH:175,25 TV
LEV: 65,0dBuV A