© 2008 Victor Company of Japan, Limited
Having TROUBLE with operation?
Please reset your unit
Refer to page of How to reset your unit
Vous avez des PROBLÈMES de fonctionnement?
Réinitialisez votre appareil
Référez-vous à la page intitulée Comment réinitialiser votre appareil
Dear Customer,
This apparatus is in conformance with the valid European
directives and standards regarding electromagnetic
compatibility and electrical safety.
European representative of Victor Company of Japan, Limited
JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH
Company name changed in:
JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH
Postfach 10 05 52
61145 Friedberg
Cher(e) client(e),
Cet appareil est conforme aux directives et normes
européennes en vigueur concernant la compatibilité
électromagnétique et à la sécurité électrique.
Représentant européen de la société Victor Company of Japan,
Limited :
JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH
Le nom de la compagnie a changé dans:
JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH
Postfach 10 05 52
61145 Friedberg
Aveţi PROBLEME legate de funcţionare?
Vă rugăm să resetaţi aparatul.
Consultaţi pagina „Resetarea aparatului”
Stimate Client,
Acest aparat respectă directivele şi standardele europene în vigoare
privind compatibilitatea electromagnetică şi siguranţa electrică.
Reprezentantul pentru Europa al companiei Victor Company of Japan,
Limited este:
JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH
Noul nume al acesteia este:
JVC Technical Services Europe GmbH
Postfach 10 05 52
61145 Friedberg