* Default values are indicated in bold characters.
Item Setting Values Function
G&Cy G Level
Max, 19 to 1,
-1 to -19, Min
For adjusting the green/cyan level of the video toward green.
Increase the number : Enhances the green component of green/cyan.
Decrease the number : Reduces the green component of green/cyan.
G&Cy Cy Level
For adjusting the green/cyan level of the video toward cyan.
Increase the number : Enhances the cyan component of green/cyan.
Decrease the number : Reduces the cyan component of green/cyan.
Cy&B Cy Level
For adjusting the cyan/blue level of the video toward cyan.
Increase the number : Enhances the cyan component of cyan/blue.
Decrease the number : Reduces the cyan component of cyan/blue.
Cy&B B Level
For adjusting the cyan/blue level of the video toward blue.
Increase the number : Enhances the blue component of cyan/blue.
Decrease the number : Reduces the blue component of cyan/blue.
B&Mg B Level
For adjusting the blue/magenta level of the video toward blue.
Increase the number : Enhances the blue component of blue/magenta.
Decrease the number : Reduces the blue component of blue/magenta.
B&Mg Mg Level
For adjusting the blue/magenta level of the video toward magenta.
Increase the number : Enhances the magenta component of blue/magenta.
Decrease the number : Reduces the magenta component of blue/magenta.
R Rotation
Max, 4 to1,
-1 to -4, Min
For adjusting the hue of the R-axis (red and cyan).
Increase the number : Rotates hue of red toward yellow, and cyan toward blue.
Decrease the number : Rotates hue of red toward magenta, and cyan toward green.
G Rotation
For adjusting the hue of the G-axis (green and magenta).
Increase the number : Rotates hue of green toward blue, and magenta toward red.
Decrease the number : Rotates hue of green toward yellow, and magenta toward blue.
B Rotation
For adjusting the hue of the B-axis (blue and yellow).
Increase the number : Rotates hue of blue toward magenta, and yellow toward green.
Decrease the number : Rotates hue of blue toward cyan, and yellow toward red.