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To set oven on Bake or ConvectBake or Convect Roast
1. Place oven racks on proper rack positions•(See page 9.)
2, Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad.
Indicator Words BAKE or CONV BAKE or CONV ROAST will flash and three
dashes will be shown.
Note: if more than five seconds elapse between touching a pad and touching a
number pad, Display will return to previous Display.
3. Touch the appropriate number pads for desired oven temperature.
Allowable temperature range is 100° to 550°F. After five seconds the oven will
beginto preheat• The indicatorWords ON, PREHEAT,and either BAKEor CONV
BAKE or CONV ROASTwill appear in the Display. The temperature shown will
be 100° or the oven temperature whichever is higher.
Example; If at 10 o'clock you set the ovenfor 350° for convect baking,after five
seconds the Display will show:
Duringthe preheat, theDisplay willshow a rise in 50incrementsuntil programmed
temperatureisreached. When theovenis preheated,the ovenwill chime,theON
and PREHEAT Indicator Words will go off, and programmed oven temperature
will remain in the Display.
Note: Oven will preheat for approximately 7 to 11 minutes.
Important: Whenever ON appears in the Display, the oven is heating•
To recall temperature setduring preheat: Touch the appropriateBake Pador
ConvectBake PadorConveet RoastPad. Temperaturewillbebrieflydisplayed,
thenwill automaticallyreturnto on-goingprogram.
Tochange temperatureset:TouchappropriateBakePad orConvectBake Pad
or Convect Roast Pad and the appropriatenumberpads for the new desired
Note:If youare loweringthetemperaturebelowthecurrentoventemperature,the
Indicator Words PREHEAT and ON will appear briefly in the Display and the
preheatchime will sound. Then, the Display will show programmedtemperature
and indicator word BAKE or CONV BAKE or CONV ROAST only.
4. Touch Cancel Off Pad to turn ovenoff at end of baking. The oven will continue
operating untilthe Cancel Off Pad is touched.