Flat Cake
Unevencakes Oven notlevel
Batter uneven
cake panstooclose toovenwallsor each other
Sticksto pan ;'Cake:-icooledin pan too long
•Pan notgreasedandfloureo
Cracksandfallsapart Removedtrompan toosoon
Too muchshortening,leaveningor sugar
EXcesSiveshrinkage 1 Oventoo hotoroverbaking
fromsidesof pan I Overmixing
Convect Baking R_mmendations
• Use convectionbaking for breads, cakes, cookies, and pies.
• As a general rule, when using recipes or prepared mixes developed for a
conventional bake oven, set the oven temperature 25°F lower than the recipe
recommendedtemperature. Times will be similar to or a few minutes less than
reciperecommendedtimes. Thechartonpage15comparestimesandtemperatures
of many baked foods. Use this as a reference.
• For betterbrowning,placecookiesheets and bakingpanslengthwise,side toside
on the rack.
• Cookiesheetsshouldbewithoutsidesand madeof shinyaluminum. The bestsize
to use forcookie sheets is 16" x 12" or smaller.