Checkthefollowinglistto besurea servicecall is reallynecessary. Aquickreference
of thismanual maypreventan unneededservicecall.
If nothing on the oven operates:
• check for a blown circuit fuse or a trippedmaincircuitbreaker.
• checkif oven isprcpedyconnectedtoelectdccircuit in house.
If clock, indicator words, and/or lights operate but oven does not
• thecontrolsmay havebeen set incorrectly.
• clockcontrolsmay beset for delayedstartof oven.
If the oven light does not work:
• thelightbulbis looseor defective.
• ovenlightdoes notworkduringself-cleaningprocess.
If oven will not go through self-cleaning process:
• contrelsmay be improperlyset.
• checkthe clockcontrelledsettingsandthe currenttimeof day on theclock,
If oven did notclean properly:
• ovenmay need longercleaningtime.
• excessivespillswerenot removedpriortoself-cleaningprocess,
If oven door will not unlock:
• ovenmay not havecooledto safe temperatureafter self-cleaningprocess.
• electriccurrentcomingintothe ovenmay be off.
If foods do not broil properly:
• the controlmay not beset properly.
• checkrackposition,
• voltageintohousemaybe low.
If baked food is burned or too brown on top:
• foodmay be positionedincorrectly in oven.
• oven notpreheatedproperly.
If foods bake unevenly:
• the oven maybe installedimproperly.
• checkthe oven rackwitha level.
• staggerpans,do not allow pans to touch each other oroven wall.
• checkinstructionsfor suggestedplacementof panson oven rack.